Then I stepped outside and I realized it wasn't raining all that hard anymore. By the time I made it to the park it had turned into an awesome hike. The stream was the highest I had ever seen. There were the winding parts with standing waves that looked like something from the Colorado River. At the straight-always the stream was smooth, but the speed, sound, and level was incredible.
Admittedly there were puddles across the path that had to be forded.
But that's why I wear butt-ugly crocs on morning walks.
On this day before starting year number 14 with Baltimore's public schools I think about how sometimes those challenges that seem like something to be endured turn out to be surprising opportunities. Opportunities for growth that those with simpler paths, or options to quit, never get to experience. I know that this year will be challenging for the two kids that are still in City Schools, but we'll hit the ground running and with enthusiasm.The pictures above are from an afternoon walk with msk along. He was skeptical about going for a walk in the rain, but once he saw, and heard, the stream he was all smiles and enthralled. Below he's enjoying another soggy walk stim - walking through the dripping leaves and getting his hair soaking. Pure joy.