Monday, September 13, 2010

Changing gears

For me, the end of summer isn't so much of a demarcation line, as a series of bittersweet occurrences. It leads inexorably from the free, open, comfort of a late summer evening spent in the back yard, to huddled, housebound days of a snow storm or a string of days with highs below freezing.
In chronological order this is how summer grinds to a halt:
  1. The cabin vacation ends and we bring the linens home to be washed
  2. Summer reading is completed and school supplies are purchased
  3. The alarm gets turned on again after a long break and we all rise on schedule
  4. The incessant ritual of daily lunch packing and weekly laundry becomes the norm
  5. Scouts and Girl Scout Cookies sales, along with mandatory training, start
  6. Fans stop being turned on and slowly get put away
  7. The monarch chrysalises appear in the front yard
  8. After weeks of not being used, the pool gets winterized

It's all a natural cycle, and I like trading the whir of fans for the chirp of crickets. Still, it's hard not to feel a little sad at the change of pace.


  1. What a lovely tribute to the end of summer. I'm in Florida and it was 91 degrees today. We're lucky if summer has ended by the time we put on our Halloween costumes.

    Thank you for finding my blog recently and leaving your thoughtful post. It's given me a lot of food for thought this week -- and you're right: My son has no less chance of being successful just because we can't afford ABA right now.

    All the best,

    Amanda Broadfoot
    Life is a Spectrum
    Latest post: Autism and the iPad

  2. Thanks for the visit, Amanda. I'm happy I found your blog. I'm enjoying reading your posts.

    We have an iPad and my son loves it. My only advice would be to get a somewhat rugged case. After a few drops our WiFi went out. Apple replaced it, but I don't think they typically cover abuse. My son tossing the iPad when he gets angry about it being time to do something else probably counts as abuse.


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